Day 1
We grow up thinking about going to college when we grow up. So, we kind
of have certain expectations for ourselves when we start going to college. I
was no different. Throughout my school life I felt the miseries are about to
end, just wait till I go to college, everything would be easy, No studies, No
rush to complete assignments, No backlog of topics. Who could have told life was
going to kick me in the nuts?
Today as I get my first assignment I think, how can I be so wrong.
College is nothing like what I thought it would be. Bunch of classes and a huge
pile of backlog.
In some ways I think school was better, at least I could get what my teachers
were trying to teach me. But now what is being taught in the class is like
complete Arabic to me, totally different language. This has lead me to think am
I that dull or is just the topic that are too hard. But whatever it is it sure
as hell not for me.
Everyone is telling me it is because of the pandemic that has disrupted
our lives and my not understanding the topics is the fault of online classes.
Maybe it is or maybe it is not but one thing is for sure the next four years of
my life is going to very eventful.
For those of you who read my first blog, Thank You.
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